You’ve been looking for a way to retain your youthfulness as you get older. Diet, exercise, and vitamins have all been part of your regimen. You’ve already spent a lot on retaining your hair and keeping wrinkles in check. You’ve even tried yoga. It doesn’t matter how old you are, you can remain youthful and […]
The first thing to do, when you start to recognize that you have hearing loss, is to eliminate further damage. After all, you can take some simple measures to prevent additional damage and protect your ears. Step 1: Keep Your Ears Clean Did you clean behind your ears? It’s one of those initial hygiene lessons […]
Read More… from Try These Three Easy Steps to Reduce Hearing Loss
The chances of having to deal with hearing loss increase as we get older. Millions are living with some degree of hearing loss. Unfortunately, people dealing with hearing loss often wait seven years after the first symptoms show up before finding help. Many older adults decide to dismiss their hearing loss, which can negatively impact […]
Make no mistake: there are a few ways that you can maintain your mental acuteness and ward off disorders like cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Remaining social is one of the most important while engaging in the workforce seems to be another. Whatever methods you employ to deal with cognitive decline, however, keeping your […]
All year is allergy season in some places. Allergies can range from mild to extreme and can be triggered by everything from pollen to pet dander. The first and most common signs that you are suffering from allergies are normally a runny nose and itchy eyes. But more pronounced symptoms, like tinnitus, bad balance, and […]
Read More… from Your Hearing Can be Affected by Environmental Allergies
You’ve got a set of new hearing aids. Congratulations, it’s a great start to improving the quality of your life. There is a lot to learn when you buy new technology like modern hearing aids, and that includes the things you shouldn’t do. It’s not a long list with hearing aids, but it is an […]
Read More… from 4 Mistakes New Hearing Aid Owners Make (and How to Avoid Them)
Are hearing aids really worth the money? It’s a question many people experiencing hearing loss ask when they look at the price tag of hearing aids. However, when you buy a house you don’t see the price and say, “well being homeless is cheaper!” What’s more, if you look beyond the price tag, you might […]
Read More… from Why Getting Hearing Aids is a Good Financial Decision
Growing up into adulthood, you likely began to associate hearing loss with aging. You probably had older adults around you struggling to understand words or wearing hearing aids. But just like 30 or 60 only seemed old to you until it fast approached, as you learn more about hearing loss, you find it has less […]
Read More… from The One Thing You Should Know About Hearing Loss