Every New Hearing Aid Owner Tends to Make These 9 Errors

Every New Hearing Aid Owner Tends to Make These 9 Errors

Congratulations! You’ve just become the proud owner of hearing aids – a wonderful piece of modern tech. But new hearing aid owners will wish somebody had told them certain things, just like with any new technology. Let’s assess how a new hearing aid user can eliminate the 9 most common hearing aid errors. 1. Not […]

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Is My Tinnitus Inherited?

Is My Tinnitus Inherited?

Are you going mad with that tinnitus in your ears? Discover whether your tinnitus is inherited or what the cause might be. Tinnitus, what exactly is it? A ringing, buzzing, or droning in the ears with no external cause of the noise is a condition called tinnitus. The direct translation of the word tinnitus is”ringing […]

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10 Hearing Tips to Make You Feel Younger

10 Hearing Tips to Make You Feel Younger

Feeling more youthful can be accomplished in many ways. But protecting your hearing is one way that is often ignored. Diet and exercise have been publicized for years as a confirmed way to extend your lifespan while improving your quality of life. It also helps prevent heart disease, cancer, and improves weight control. But good […]

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Loud Summer Activities Call For Ear Protection

Loud Summer Activities Call For Ear Protection

Some activities are simply staples of summertime: Outdoor concerts, fireworks shows, state fairs, air shows, and NASCAR races (look, if you like watching cars go around in circles, no one’s going to judge you). As more of these events return to something like normal, the crowds, and the noise levels, are getting larger. And that […]

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Are There Some Symptoms of Hearing Loss That Should Throw up Red Flags?

Hearing loss can be brought on by numerous things and is usually extremely aggravating. There are some circumstances where hearing loss is related to a more severe underlying health condition and isn’t just the result of an injury or aging. These are some hearing loss red flags you should look for Hearing loss will frequently […]

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Hearing Aid Batteries Drain Quickly Because of This

Hearing Aid Batteries Drain Quickly Because of This

Do your hearing aid batteries seem to drain faster than they should? Here are a few surprising reasons that might happen. How long should hearing aid batteries last? The typical hearing aid battery lasts anywhere from 3 to 7 days. That’s a very wide range. So wide, in fact, that it’s unpredictable and leaves you […]

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You Might Have Hearing Loss if You Notice These 6 Behaviors

In conversation with friends, you like to be courteous. At work, you want to look engaged, even enthralled with what your boss/co-worker/clients are talking about. With family, you may find it easier to simply tune out the conversation and ask the person near you to repeat what you missed, just a little louder, please. On […]

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Questions? Talk To Us.

    Dr. Laura Padham, Audiologist

    Ocean Gate, NJ

    143 W Barnegat Avenue
    Ocean Gate, NJ 08740

    Mobile Services in:Ocean, Monmouth, Middlesex, Somerset, Union, Essex, Hudson, Bergen, Passaic, Atlantic, Mercer, and Burlington Counties.

    Call or Text: 848-266-5119

    Office Hours
    Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm

    Ocean Gate, NJ Google Business Profile

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