Those Late Night Bar Trips Could be Contributing to Your Tinnitus

Remember the old tale of Johnny Appleseed? When you were younger you likely heard the story of how Johnny Appleseed traveled around bringing fresh apples to communities (the moral of the story is that apples are good for you, and you should eat them). That’s only somewhat true. The authentic Johnny Appleseed (whose real name […]

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The History of Hearing Aids

The History of Hearing Aids

There are three sorts of individuals out there: people who find history to be amazingly interesting, individuals who think history is terribly boring, and those who think history is full of aliens. The history of hearing aids isn’t full of aliens (sorry not sorry). But it’s probably a lot weirder than you might believe. After […]

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Don’t Turn Off That Hearing Aid if You Want to be Happy!

Don’t Turn Off That Hearing Aid if You Want to be Happy!

As we age, we all know that hearing loss and certain mental health concerns can get worse in spite of a healthy, active lifestyle. And a strong connection between the two has been observed by scientists which should never be overlooked. So don’t turn off that hearing aid. Depression is twice as likely in individuals […]

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Types, Facts, and Diagnosis of Hearing Tests

Types, Facts, and Diagnosis of Hearing Tests

Hearing loss is difficult, if not impossible, to self-diagnose. To illustrate, you can’t really assess your level of hearing by merely putting your ear next to a speaker. That means that if you want to know what’s happening with your hearing, you need to take a test. Now, before you start sweating or fidgeting anxiously, […]

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Hearing Loss Doesn’t Have to Negatively Affect Your Relationship

It’s something a lot of individuals cope with, but few want to talk about – hearing loss and its impact on personal relationships. Both partners can feel aggravated by the misunderstandings that are caused by hearing loss. This is the ideal time for you to show your love and appreciation for your loved one with […]

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Are There Different Kinds of Hearing Loss?

Are There Different Kinds of Hearing Loss?

Have you ever purchased one of those “one size fits all” t-shirts only to be dismayed (and shocked) when the shirt does not, in fact, fit as advertised? That’s really annoying. There aren’t actually very many “one size fits all” with anything in the real world. That’s not only true with clothing, it’s also true […]

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Forget Something Significant? Memory Loss is Linked to This

Forget Something Significant? Memory Loss is Linked to This

Are you forgetting something? It isn’t your imagination. It really is becoming harder to remember things in daily life. Once you become aware of it, memory loss seems to progress quickly. The more you are aware of it, the more incapacitating it is. Most people aren’t aware that there’s a connection between loss of memory […]

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Questions? Talk To Us.

    Dr. Laura Padham, Audiologist

    Ocean Gate, NJ

    143 W Barnegat Avenue
    Ocean Gate, NJ 08740

    Mobile Services in:Ocean, Monmouth, Middlesex, Somerset, Union, Essex, Hudson, Bergen, Passaic, Atlantic, Mercer, and Burlington Counties.

    Call or Text: 848-266-5119

    Office Hours
    Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm

    Ocean Gate, NJ Google Business Profile

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