Do you hear a crackling noise? Buzzing, crackling, “static”, or whooshing sounds in your ear can all be signs of a condition known as tinnitus. Here’s what you should know. Do you hear phantom sounds like thumping, buzzing, or ringing in your ears? If this is occurring with hearing aids, it may mean you need […]
Tinnitus Articles
Over the past several decades the public perception of cannabinoids and marijuana has transformed considerably. Cannabinoids, marijuana, and THC products are now legal for medical use in many states. The idea that some states (fewer) even allow the recreational usage of pot would have been unimaginable a decade ago. Cannabinoids are any substances produced by […]
You learn to adjust to living with tinnitus. You always keep the television on to help you tune out the continuous ringing. You refrain from going out for happy hour with coworkers because the loud music at the bar makes your tinnitus worse for days. You make appointments routinely to try out new therapies and […]
Read More… from Are Your Ears Ringing? This May Offer Relief
The actual issue with chronic tinnitus is not just that you have a ringing in your ears. It’s the continuous never ending ringing, that’s the real issue. The continuous noise, possibly somewhat moderate in volume, may begin as little more than an annoyance. But the ringing can become aggravating and even incapacitating if it persists […]
Tinnitus, as with lots of chronic conditions, has a mental health aspect to it. Dealing with the symptoms isn’t the only challenge. It’s finding the inner strength and resilience to do it regularly without knowing whether they will ever recede once and for all. For some people, sadly, depression can be the result. According to […]
You notice a ringing in your ears when you get up in the morning. This is weird because they weren’t doing that yesterday. So now you’re asking yourself what the cause could be: lately, you’ve been keeping your music at a moderate volume and you haven’t been working in a noisy environment. But your head […]
Read More… from These Everyday Medicines Can Trigger Ringing in The Ears
It’s generally unclear what’s triggering tinnitus (a buzzing or ringing in your ears). But one thing we know for sure is that if you have hearing loss your chance of experiencing tinnitus rises. Up to 90 percent of people who experience tinnitus also have hearing loss according to HIAA. Your lifestyle, age, and genetics can […]
“Why am I hearing a ringing noise in my ears?” “How can I make that sound go away?” If you find yourself making these kinds of statements, you could be dealing with tinnitus, a common hearing condition where you hear noises or experience a sound that other people can’t hear. This is more common than […]
Read More… from You Should Pay Attention to These Tinnitus Symptoms