Did You Realize Your Common Cold Could Cause Hearing Problems?

While everybody has encountered a runny nose, we don’t usually mention other kinds of cold symptoms because they’re less frequent. Occasionally, a cold can move into one or more ears, but you rarely hear about those. While you may generally consider colds as harmless, here’s why this ear-related cold symptom should never be dismissed. What […]

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These Chemicals May Increase Your Risk of Hearing Loss

These Chemicals May Increase Your Risk of Hearing Loss

There are lots of well known causes of hearing loss, but not many people recognize the dangers that certain chemicals present to their hearing. While there are numerous groups of people at risk, people in industries such as textiles, petroleum, automotive, plastics, and metal fabrication have increased exposure. Knowing what these harmful chemicals are and […]

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What’s a Safe Volume to Listen to Music on Your headphones?

What’s a Safe Volume to Listen to Music on Your headphones?

Music is an important part of Aiden’s life. He listens to Spotify while working, switches to Pandora when jogging, and he has a playlist for everything: cardio, cooking, video games, you name it. Everything in his life has a soundtrack and it’s playing on his headphones. But the very thing that Aiden enjoys, the loud, […]

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Loud Summer Activities Call For Ear Protection

Loud Summer Activities Call For Ear Protection

Some activities are simply staples of summertime: Outdoor concerts, fireworks shows, state fairs, air shows, and NASCAR races (look, if you like watching cars go around in circles, no one’s going to judge you). As more of these events return to something like normal, the crowds, and the noise levels, are getting larger. And that […]

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You Might Have Hearing Loss if You Notice These 6 Behaviors

In conversation with friends, you like to be courteous. At work, you want to look engaged, even enthralled with what your boss/co-worker/clients are talking about. With family, you may find it easier to simply tune out the conversation and ask the person near you to repeat what you missed, just a little louder, please. On […]

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How Can Your Driving Habits be Impacted by Hearing Impairment?

Don’t take your eyes off the road. Of course, it’s good advice, but it doesn’t speak to your other senses. As an example, think about how much work your ears are doing when you’re driving. You’re using your ears to connect with other people in your vehicle, alert you to important information appearing on your […]

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How Can I Tell if I’m Suffering From Hearing Loss?

How Can I Tell if I’m Suffering From Hearing Loss?

The last time you had dinner with family, you were rather frustrated. It wasn’t because of family crisis (this time). No, the issue was that you couldn’t hear a thing over the loud noise of the room. So you didn’t get the opportunity to ask about Dave’s new cat or Sally’s new job. And that […]

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Dr. Laura Padham, Audiologist

Ocean Gate, NJ

143 W Barnegat Avenue
Ocean Gate, NJ 08740

Mobile Services in:Ocean, Monmouth, Middlesex, Somerset, Union, Essex, Hudson, Bergen, Passaic, Atlantic, Mercer, and Burlington Counties.

Call or Text: 848-266-5119

Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm

Ocean Gate, NJ Google Business Profile

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