You Could be Missing a Lot if You’re Having Trouble Hearing While You’re at Work

For just a moment, picture that you have a job as a salesperson. Now picture that you have a call scheduled today with a very valuable client. Multiple reps from their offices have come together to talk about whether to hire your company for the job. As the call continues, voices rise and fall…and are […]

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Three Easy Steps to Lessen Hearing Loss

Three Easy Steps to Lessen Hearing Loss

Isn’t pizza interesting? As long as a few criteria are met, you can alter toppings, cheese, and sauce, and it’s still a pizza. That’s similar to hearing loss. But as long as you have trouble hearing sound, it’s still hearing loss regardless of whether it’s due to genetic factors, age, obstructions, or exposure to loud […]

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Hearing Loss Can Cause Complications During Hospitalization

Tom is getting a new knee and he’s really jazzed! Look, as you get older, the kinds of things you get excited about change. His knee replacement means he will experience less pain and be able to get around a lot better. So Tom goes in, the operation is a success, and Tom heads home! […]

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8 Discrete Indications Your Hearing is Failing

8 Discrete Indications Your Hearing is Failing

It’s not like you simply wake up one day, and suddenly can’t hear. For most individuals, hearing loss progresses in degrees, particularly when it is related to aging. Some signs show up earlier, though, and you don’t recognize there is an issue immediately. These initially developing symptoms advance very subtly. Delaying the progression of hearing […]

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Diplacusis: When your hearing is in stereo

Diplacusis: When your hearing is in stereo

The world was very different millions of years ago. This steamy, volcano-laden landscape is where the long-necked Diplacusis roamed. Thanks to its extra long neck and tail, Diplacusis was so big that it was afraid of no predator. Actually, the long-necked dinosaur from the Jurassic Period is known as Diplodocus. When you’re hearing two sounds […]

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Basic Ways to Safeguard Your Hearing This Summer

Basic Ways to Safeguard Your Hearing This Summer

Finally, it’s summertime!! That means it’s time to get out and enjoy all the fun activities that the season has to offer. But don’t forget about your hearing’s health before you head out for a day on the beach, a rocking concert, or perhaps a great backyard get-together. When you’re out appreciating summer, don’t forget […]

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Managing Hearing Loss With the Help of Modern Technology

What’s a cyborg? If you get swept up in science fiction movies, you likely think of cyborgs as kind of half-human, half machine characters (the human condition is often cleverly portrayed with these characters). Hollywood cyborgs can seem extremely outlandish. But the truth is that, technically, anybody who wears a pair of glasses could be […]

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How Audiobooks Can be an Important Part of Auditory Training

Books-on-tape was what we used to call them, once upon a time. Of course, that was long before CDs, not to mention digital streaming. These days, they have a much better name; audiobooks. An audiobook gives you the ability to read a book by, well, listening to it. It’s kind of like having someone read […]

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Dr. Laura Padham, Audiologist

Ocean Gate, NJ

143 W Barnegat Avenue
Ocean Gate, NJ 08740

Mobile Services in:Ocean, Monmouth, Middlesex, Somerset, Union, Essex, Hudson, Bergen, Passaic, Atlantic, Mercer, and Burlington Counties.

Call or Text: 848-266-5119

Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm

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