The world was very different millions of years ago. This steamy, volcano-laden landscape is where the long-necked Diplacusis roamed. Thanks to its extra long neck and tail, Diplacusis was so big that it was afraid of no predator. Actually, the long-necked dinosaur from the Jurassic Period is known as Diplodocus. When you’re hearing two sounds […]
Hearing Loss Articles
Finally, it’s summertime!! That means it’s time to get out and enjoy all the fun activities that the season has to offer. But don’t forget about your hearing’s health before you head out for a day on the beach, a rocking concert, or perhaps a great backyard get-together. When you’re out appreciating summer, don’t forget […]
Read More… from Basic Ways to Safeguard Your Hearing This Summer
Don’t forget to wash your ears. Whenever you say that, you inevitably use your “parent voice”. Perhaps when you were a kid you even recall your parents telling you to do it. That’s the sort of memory that can remind you of simpler times as you wrap yourself in the nostalgia of childhood. But it’s […]
Read More… from Ear Wax Buildup: What You Need to be Aware of
What’s a cyborg? If you get swept up in science fiction movies, you likely think of cyborgs as kind of half-human, half machine characters (the human condition is often cleverly portrayed with these characters). Hollywood cyborgs can seem extremely outlandish. But the truth is that, technically, anybody who wears a pair of glasses could be […]
Read More… from Managing Hearing Loss With the Help of Modern Technology
Books-on-tape was what we used to call them, once upon a time. Of course, that was long before CDs, not to mention digital streaming. These days, they have a much better name; audiobooks. An audiobook gives you the ability to read a book by, well, listening to it. It’s kind of like having someone read […]
Read More… from How Audiobooks Can be an Important Part of Auditory Training
Have you ever been in the middle of the roadway and your car breaks down? It’s not a fun experience. You have to pull your car off the road. Then you most likely open your hood and have a look at the engine. Who knows why? What’s funny is that you do this even if […]
It’s something a lot of individuals cope with, but few want to talk about – hearing loss and its impact on personal relationships. Both partners can feel aggravated by the misunderstandings that are caused by hearing loss. This is the ideal time for you to show your love and appreciation for your loved one with […]
Read More… from Hearing Loss Doesn’t Have to Negatively Affect Your Relationship
Have you ever purchased one of those “one size fits all” t-shirts only to be dismayed (and shocked) when the shirt does not, in fact, fit as advertised? That’s really annoying. There aren’t actually very many “one size fits all” with anything in the real world. That’s not only true with clothing, it’s also true […]
Are you forgetting something? It isn’t your imagination. It really is becoming harder to remember things in daily life. Once you become aware of it, memory loss seems to progress quickly. The more you are aware of it, the more incapacitating it is. Most people aren’t aware that there’s a connection between loss of memory […]
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It’s essential to educate yourself about hearing loss, particularly if you or someone you know is coping with it. This is to help you better cope with your condition and avoid making significant decisions based on incorrect information. When you’re dealing with hearing loss, disregard the following myths. Having mild hearing loss isn’t a big […]